Sunday, April 13, 2008

Saturday Morning Long-Run

I met up with the usual cast of characters (Steve Schroeder and Brian King) for a long-run yesterday morning, plus someone new - Assynt Macleod. Assynt is a new Strider, a master runner (41), and fresh off the boat from Scotland. Super guy and a very good runner. We took him for 12.14 with the Sugar Land Boys and he never blinked.

Our pace worked out to just a bit over 8 minutes per mile, but then again we had about a five minute water/bathroom stop in there. We've discovered that if we get out early enough we can run under 59 at University without any traffic to worry about. This puts us in a position to take University until it dead-ends into Commonwealth, which takes us to the Fire Station where they hold the Fired Up 5K in September. From there we can go well into First Colony and beyond. There's a park about five miles into this run, complete with water fountains and bathrooms. It's going to be a great route in the fall. And by then gas ought to be $4 a gallon thus making weekend long-runs close to home just a bit more attractive!

I ran about .65 miles up to where the guys met, then back once we finished, giving me just a bit over 13.4 for the morning. Then last night I went out for three brisk miles at my mom's house in Spring.


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