Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Take That, Greatwood Loop

I had wanted to do something of quality on Monday but it didn't pan out. The race Saturday morning and a long-run Sunday evening left my tank empty for anything aggressive on Monday so I had to wait until yesterday. I was tired all day (my 2 year old woke us up an hour early). I waited until about 8 PM, drank a cup of the original energy drink (coffee), and headed over to the Greatwood loop.

By the time I got there the coffee had worked it's magic and I was ready to attack. I intended to do four loops at an aggressive pace (around seven flat or maybe just under). I felt great on the first loop and opted to listen to tunes instead of podcasts on my Ipod. That proved to be a good soundtrack and I clocked the first loop at a faster than goal 23:31 (6:37 pace).

The second loop was equivalent to the first one but came in just a hair faster - 23:27 (6:36 pace). Going into loop three I knew I wouldn't be able to do two more loops at this pace so I settled for burning the last one and tearing up a total of 10.65 miles.

The final loop came in at 23:09 (6:31 pace). My overall time for the 10.65 miles was 1:10:06 (6:35 pace) - easily the fastest three loop time I've ever done. I was thoroughly whipped.

So no, I'm not doing the LP run tonight. I didn't want to have another light week of training due to another race.


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