Saturday, August 11, 2007

Long Run This Morning

I met Brian at the Greatwood loop at 6 AM this morning for what we hoped would be 4 loops, which is 14.2 miles. The temperature didn't seem to be particularly bad and it was still dark when we began.

The first loop was a piece of cake and we knocked it out in a decent 26:14 (7:23 pace). The second loop wasn't any tougher, though it was becoming daylight, and we clocked a 26:01 (7:20). We finally saw the sun on loop three, but the temperature still wasn't rising much. We had dropped bottles at the start and had decided early on that we'd be able to do 3 loops before having to stop, so the thought of something cold to drink pulled us through loop 3 in a solid 25:46 (7:15 pace). As we finished the third loop we clicked the split but kept the time going as we picked up our bottles and drank. Mine was still about half frozen so I didn't get all that I expected. Our break lasted 1:16 then we were off to close out the run. I had hoped at the outset of the run that we'd be able to do 1 hour and 45 minutes, which would be an average of 26:15 a loop. We were averaging 26 even through 3 but had the 1:16 break to make up for. But I felt fine and knew I'd probably be faster than the 25:46, which would mean negative splits for all loops. I told Brian we'd stay together until the final turn, which is about .8 miles from the finish. When we got to that final turn I looked at my watch and knew I'd beat the 25:46 and had a decent shot at sub 25. I hammered it pretty good coming in (certainly sub 7) and finished with a 24:38 final loop. Brian was about 25 seconds behing me. And I really wasn't very whipped when done. A good run this morning.

Total distance Saturday (8/11) - 14.2 miles, 1:43:55 - 7:19 pace.


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