Wednesday, February 27, 2008

10 @ 8

I did 10 miles last night at 8 PM. Actually 10.2 miles over in my old neighborhood. It was cool and windy when I started, and downright cold and windy when I finished. I don't typically wear cotton when I run but I had on a long-sleeve cotton t-shirt and felt like it might be just the middle ground I'd need. That was a mistake because as it absorbed sweat it didn't provide any warmth at all. I didn't wear gloves because it's hard to adjust my Ipod with gloved fingers (I hate the damned thing - a standard MP3 player is much better) but wished I would have.

Anyway, I didn't intend to go too fast but the cool temperature made my legs light and I ran a comfortable 6:56 pace. Not sure if it qualifies as a recovery run but I never felt my cardio-respiratory system taxed.


Blogger Steve Bezner said...

your an animal! I hope to be there one day!

1:59 PM  

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