Thursday, February 21, 2008

Back To The Oval

Yesterday I headed over to the .4 mile oval for some speedwork. Last week when I did these they really hurt and did again yesterday. The distance is deceiving. Seems pretty short, maybe because the most you can see of the loop at any one time is about a third of it. So you take off at a pretty good pace but after about a minute and a half reality hits. You're blue in the face from lack of oxygen by the time you mercifully get to the end of the loop. Then you get to recover for about two and a half minutes and do it all over again. Sounds like fun, huh?!

My times were better yesterday than they were last week but I absolutely milked every second out of my body that was available. I have also finally gotten rid of the crap in my lungs that was making it hard to breath. Here are my repeat times:

2:09, 2:11, 2:09, 2:11, 2:11.

Last night I was hoping for some additional milage when I drove down to Memorial Park. A Strider group run was planned as a farewell to Jessica Alexander, a fellow Strider and great person. Either I missed the group or no one showed up due to the weather (more likely). I stood at the assigned area in the drizzle for 10 minutes then went home. By the time I got back to Sugar Land it was coming down just too hard to run. But I'm going to get in some lunchtime milage today, and track work this evening.


Blogger Steeeve said...

Dude, bummer! There were a dozen of us. We did our 5 miles in the light drizzle and headed off to Jax for farewelling. So sorry we didn't connect.

11:28 AM  

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