Friday, October 12, 2007

A Run And A Question For Ya

Got up this morning at 6 AM and headed out for 3.5 miles before work. For the record, I don't run in the morning, unless I have to, or unless someone is chasing me. My bio-clock has me firing on all cylinders throughout the day, but not at 6 AM. But with a race coming up, and me grasping at straws to figure out why I've been underperforming in races lately, I decided this week to log some early AM miles. And mother nature was nice enough to accomadate me too.

There was nothing of note about the run. I left the watch at home but I'm sure my pace was decent. I've gotten pretty good at estimating my pace lately. When Steve and Brian and I did the 10 mile pre-race training run on Monday we were targeting a 6:40 pace. I told Steve and Brian to let me lead and I'd be close. Our first mile was 6:41. Anyway, the weather this morning was nice, I was rested, and I was done and in the shower pretty quick. Now for my question, or food for thought for everyone.

When does a break become more than a break? In other words, how long can a stop be, before it really signals the end of that training run, and anything you do beyond that is more like an interval? Obviously if you stop for 20 seconds to suck down 12 oz of water and then keep going few would consider that a cessation of the workout. And stopping for a 10 minute trip to the porcelein throne is obviously (to most) too long to consider that a quick break during a continuous run. But what about a 2 minute stop? What about a 5 minute stop? When does it become disingenuous to consider it a continuous 2 hour run? I don't have a hard and fast rule. And I'm sure it depends on the situation. That being said, I'd say 2 minutes is probably my tops. And I like to at least be walking for those two minutes. Just something I've been thinking about.

Your opinion?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dont have alot to offer on this, but I think 5 minutes is too long.

I would probably have to go with your 2 minute rule.

And Lance you ARE one of the good eggs. And thank you for the kind comment on my blog.

12:35 PM  

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