Wednesday, July 18, 2007

I'm Back

Yes, it's been a year. A lot has happened in the past year - job changes, we moved (2.7 miles away!), many, many weeks with just a couple of runs (due to a crappy job I had), a decision in January to run Boston, an injury 3 days after I registered that lasted 7 weeks, 4.5 weeks of training for Boston, a decent finishing time given the circumstances, my wife taking up running 2 months ago with a goal of a half marathon this January, and some solid training, decent race times and a nice overall comeback in the past three months.

Currently I'm training roughly 50 miles a week, doing 2 speedwork sessions a week, getting in a long-run of 14 miles or more most weeks, at least one tempo run a week, and racing a couple of times a month. I'm closing in on being at my fittest ever, just wish it was fall already so I could make more use of my fitness than nickel and dime 5Ks that are quickly forgotten. I wanted to go to Dallas this weekend for the Too Hot To Handle 15K but couldn't find anyone who wanted to tag along. Very disappointing. Oh well, the first 10K is just 6 weeks away .

One thing that inspired me to come back here and post is because it just drives me nuts the number of Houston runners who pack it in for the summer due to the heat, or cut way back on their training due to the heat, or do all their training indoors on dreadmills due to the heat. The fact is, this summer at least, it ain't exactly hot. We've had 4 days in the past 7 where the high temperature was in the mid 80s. To me, running indoors on a machine is like playing a running video game or doing a simulation, like those old driving simulators we had in driver's ed in high school. I just think folks are missing out on what makes running a sometimes magical experience. But at least they're trying and maybe that's all they can fit in, who knows.

But that's my soapbox moment and I won't get into that again. People do what they want to do - their business I guess.

I had a great run tonight too. Maybe I'll post on that tomorrow.


Blogger Junie B said...

WOOHOO LANCE!!!!!!!!!!

Welcome back to blog land! Its nice to have a blogger that doesnt train on the treadmill!

Is that really running? I didnt think so. Sometimes it might be necessary, but not for 4-5 months just cause its h.o.t. outside!

8:28 AM  

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