Friday, June 09, 2006

12 Miles (+) 12 Hours Later

Since I won't be returning to work until June 19, I met Brian K. this morning at 9:15 AM in Greatwood for a long-run on the 3.55 mile loop. The sun was out and climbing higher in the sky as was the temperature, but at least that morning humidity was dropping. When my 7 month old woke me up at 4:45 AM this morning I had the foresight to put a water bottle and two 20 oz. bottles of Gatorade in the freezer. By the time I left to go drop the boys off at daycare they were good and slushy (the bottles, not the boys!) and I sat one out near the start of the loop to pick up after 7.1 miles. Brian brought a bottle of water to drop so, after doing that, we were off.

The first loop felt fine and we completed it in a good long-run time of 26:26, which is a 7:27 pace. But we were heating up pretty good and knew that the second loop would be rougher than the first. In fact, we felt like the second loop would be the toughest since we'd get to rehydrate after it. Typical of us when running in Greatwood, we managed a negative split on the second loop but were cooking by the time we got to our bottles. Mine gave me a needed shot in the arm but I don't think Brian got the same boost from his since he had water and I had Gatorade. I told him after the run that for long-runs in the heat he really should set out a sports drink instead of just water because your body needs the salt and glycose in addition to the rehydration process.

Brian started to fall back a bit about a third of the way into the third loop. About halfway through that third loop I asked him if he wanted me to drop back and run with him but he said not to worry about it so I focused on my own business at hand. At the completion of each loop you get a chance to sort of glance back and see behind you but I didn't see him. But then again, given the angle, you can see only about 150 feet. I clicked my watch at the completion of the third loop and was dragging myself. But I don't like to do only three loops. Yes, 10.65 miles might qualify as a long-run, but I prefer a little more. It's only one loop more than we do normally and all you have to do is the mile out and back to get to 12.65, which sounds more like a long-run distance. So I forged on. I had no intention of trying to smoke the mile out and didn't. I notched a 7:05. On the return mile I picked up the pace somewhat. I definitely wanted to go under 7 and was targeting 6:40 something. I finished it in 6:37 and was whipped. By this time it was nearly 11 AM and very warm. Brian was stretching near the cars and said that he went as far as he was able but stopped after three loops. Still a solid effort under very difficult conditions and we both agreed that we'd have never gone as far as we did without the other.

Total distance : 12.65 miles, 1:33:27 (7:23 pace).


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