Monday, May 29, 2006

Normal Monday Run, Just 8.5 Hours Early

I met Brian K. at the Greatwood rec. center to do our normal 7.1 mile Monday run. Instead of the usual 5:30 PM run though, we got together at 9 AM so that we'd have the rest of the day for however we were observing the holiday.

Since my son was up at all hours of the night last night I was dragging this morning and struggled to pull myself from bed at 8 AM. I put my water bottle and Gatorade in the freezer, then sucked down some coffee and some water. I touched base with the wifey then headed over to Greatwood. Brian showed up right on time and we hit the 3.55 mile loop. It was warm and very humid - a sauna really. I'd much rather run in the evening. And I was a little creaky, having done squats last night (yes, I'm doing them again because I don't like my quads getting sore from a simple 10 mile run and then compromising my next training run).

Anyway, we set a decent pace and hit the first loop in 26:06 (7:21 pace). It was another run that was devoid of pleasure, just work the entire time. We stepped things up ever so slightly on the second loop, as we're prone to do. I can't remember the last time we did a 2 loop positive split. We were about 15 or 20 seconds ahead of the pace set on the first loop but, with about half a mile to go, Brian decided to make things interesting. He cranked up the pace a little and I had no manly choice but to do likewise. As we got to about .2 miles to go, Brian dialed up the pace even more and again I tried to hang. I did my best and finished about a second behind Brian. He posted a 24:58 on the second loop and I turned a 24:59 (7:02 pace).

Total distance : 7.1 miles, 51:05 (7:12 pace)

A quick note about training partners. Since I recognized my wife on here the other day for her positive impact on my running, I'd like to recognize the value of my training partners. Mine (Steve S. and Brian K.) are simply the best. They show up when they say they're gonna show up, whether that's 6 or 7 AM, or 9 PM on a Friday night. They're not only willing, but eager to attack the training run, and never miss a workout without a valid, unavoidable reason. When you have a little something extra in the tank they'll do their best to help you maximize it, and when you're dragging ass they'll make sure you get done and won't let you reach for that can of Quit. It's quite a precarious balance that we manage between completely checking our egos at the door and bringing enough competitive spirit to get in a quality workout. It's true synergy. The workouts we'd do on our own wouldn't add up to half what we accomplish together. If I had to run alone this morning I know for a fact that I'd have not gotten in the quality of workout that I did because of Brian. We're all three very lucky.


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