Tuesday, November 11, 2008

25K Recap

I'm not going to be overly loquacious in recapping my 25K race from this past Sunday. I did okay, about as expected but not fantastic. I did better than expected through 12 miles but faded some on the last three. I want to get much faster by the time of the 30K in five weeks. Fortunately there's a solution for that - it's the title of this blog.

My finishing time was 1:44:53 (6:46 pace). My Garmin registered 15.63 miles for that 1:44:53, which yields a pace of 6:43, just one second slower than the 1/2 marathon two weeks ago. I was 5th in the 45-49 age group and 36th overall. Here are my mile splits:

1 - 6:31
2 - 6:42
3 - 6:41
4 - 6:39
5 - 6:49
6 - 6:41
7 - 6:37
8 - 6:34
9 - 6:35
10 - 6:59
11 - 6:43
12 - 6:39
13 - 6:53
14 - 6:50
15 - 6:54
6:33 pace for the final .63

It was nice running right behind my training partner Brian King pretty much the entire race. Brian finished 1st in the 25-29 age group - way to go Brian. It was me pushing you, right?! We also ran several miles with another buddy, Garrett Rychlik. And it was also nice to have several people out on the course giving me a shout-out as I went by. Thanks Tuan Nguyen, Lou Thrash, Jon Walk, Wayne Cohen, and anyone else I missed, including a few people I didn't recognize. It makes a difference.


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