Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Cold 10 Miler

I headed over to my old subdivision tonight after work for a solo 10 mile run. It was tough keeping warm. Seemed way colder than 40 degrees. I had on shorts (I don't don the tights unless it's in the 30s or worse), but wore a long-sleeve and short-sleeve tech shirt, and two pairs of gloves.

I maintained a pretty good pace but was really just going through the motions. I'm going to do speedwork tomorrow so I didn't really want to tear it up. And I'm not sure I could have anyway - I wasn't really feeling it tonight, but then again I had on some old plodders that have got to be approaching retirement milage.

Nothing hurts, no injuries, ready for Houston. However, I am having trouble keeping the weight down. I hate having to watch what I eat but when you cut back the milage you have no choice. My two running partners, Brian and Steve, are both dealing with what we hope are minor injuries. Cross your fingers for them.

Run details: 10 miles, 1:08:43 (6:52 pace)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Call Andy Pettite, we are going to need some of that "get better soon" injectable drug.


6:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Personally, I find "the clear" flax seed oil to be most effective...

5:27 AM  
Blogger Steeeve said...

Mmmm...vitamin B-12 cures what ails ya.

7:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Lance,

Been reading your blog lately and wanted to tell you thanks for all the compliments and such...also wanted to tell you a Big Congrats on breaking 3 hours...welcome to the 3 hour club...your blog really told the story of the pain it takes...I cried like a baby the first time I broke 3. I'll be leading a group for 10 miles at the Marathon 6:45-6:55 pace. Hope to see you around there and good luck. Leno Rios

9:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lidocaine and B-12, that's the ticket. If that doesn't work I may need to find my BALCO rep.

9:29 AM  

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