Tuesday, October 30, 2007

3 Loops in New Territory

Since I plan to have a high milage (for me) week this week, I decided to do 3 times around the 3.2 mile loop in New Territory where I live, plus the roughly .15 miles it takes to get to the loop and .15 to get home, for a total of 9.9.

I wasn't feeling particularly aggressive about running but we all know how sometimes the legs and lungs take over. I pulled negative splits on this rolling course that is anything but flat. Everything felt fine, no nagging soreness from Sunday and I finished feeling pumped. I plan to get in at least 5 tomorrow, 3.5 Thursday and Friday morning, plus speedwork of around 5 miles Thursday evening, and a long run of 17.75 miles Friday night. That should put me at a bit above 50 with Saturday and Sunday to go. Who knows - maybe I'll make 70. Brian King, if you're reading, we're doing 5 loops in Greatwood Friday night! Coach Lance says to be there or I'll make you do loops as punishment. And Schroeder, you're welcome to join us.

Here are the nuts and bolts of my run tonight:

Loop splits: 22:23 (7:00 pace), 22:07 (6:55 pace), 21:23 (6:41 pace).

Distance: 9.9 miles, 1:08:33 (6:55 pace)


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