Sunday, May 02, 2010

Okay, I'm Back

Sorry I've taken a few months off from blogging. I just struggle to find the time. Still running and training though and will try to get back into the swing of it.

Tonight Steve S. came over for a great workout that contained both quantity and quality. There's a 3.19 mile 1/2 loop in my neighborhood that is part of a larger, 3.82 mile loop. We did the smaller loop first as a warmup, plus the little bit of distance that has to be covered to get from my house to the loop. Once we had completed the small loop we then did the larger loop but turned it into irregular intervals. We'd hammer the path until we'd completed that block, however long it was (anywhere from about .2 to about .4), then jog a recovery on the next block. We did this until we'd finished the big loop, which equated to six fast sections. It was great because some fast blocks were short, some were long, some recovery was long and some was painfully short.

Once the intervals were over we did the small loop again, then back to the house. Total milage 10.46.

Next race is the Bayou Bash relay this Saturday at out Rice U.


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