Friday, January 06, 2006

3 Miles This Morning

Went for 3 miles this morning before work. Started with an aggressive pace from the word go but managed only 6:19 at the first mile. Went faster the farther I got into the run (as usual for a morning run) but still managed only 18:27 for the 3 miles - a bit off of what I was expecting. I may try it again tomorrow morning. With the Rockets Run on Sunday I want to go in with confidence. I'd hate to think that my focus on longer milage in the past few weeks and no short-distance racing might have compromised my speed. We'll see Sunday I guess. I'd be thrilled just to equal my 18:11 5K PR. At least it's looking like we'll have good temps Sunday morning.

Went across town this evening to meet family for dinner to celebrate my mom's birthday. Ate mexican food so you know it wasn't exactly what the doctor ordered, then had cake. But I ate well the rest of the day so no big deal.

Gonna check e-mail then hit the hay. My 2 year old gets up with the roosters, thus so do I. Can't wait to watch the Disney channel all morning!


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