Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Inagural Post

Not much in the way of running to report today since I'm knee-deep in my taper for the marathon on Jan. 15. My plan this week and next is to continue training, but cut the milage and number of runs by half, at least. However, I will try to make several of those quality runs, not just junk milage.

Yesterday I did a quality run, but the pace was a little disappointing for me. It was around 79 degrees when I went out at lunch for 4.4 miles. I covered it in 27:37, for a 6:16 pace, but I was pushing from the first step to the last and should have been able to be around 6:05 or so. But like I said, it was very warm and seemed humid, and seems like almost all of my fastest runs are at night anyway.

This morning I did 3 miles with no watch. The pace was moderate and I'm sure it picked up as I went along, but what morning runner doesn't get faster as they wake up?

Tomorrow is speedwork at the track with my running buddy.


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