Thursday, January 05, 2006

Speed Work Tonight

Did speedwork tonight at the junior high "track". Track is in parentheses because this barely qualifies. Once it gets dark you're taking a chance on turning an ankle in a couple of spots and it rolls in some spots but it'll do. We normally go to the high school track but there was soccer practice there tonight.

I met Steve S. at the track and our workout was the usual 8x400 meters with a 400 meter recovery interval after each, plus whatever amount we do to warm up. I got there before Steve and had 3 warmup laps completed before he jumped in for one. Then we did our repetitions, and took turns leading.

Now you'd think that a guy who was planning to do speedwork would remember to bring a freakin' watch but oh no, not me. Steve had an extra one that I used to record all the splits (except the first one), and upon the completion of the workout the battery proceeded to die a quick death. So all the splits are gone. But I saw a few (before it got dark) and would estimate that they were all between 77 and 80 seconds. Not bad considering the gale force winds facing us for half of each lap.

Brian K. didn't make it tonight because his wife is out of town and he's playing Mr. Mom. A jogging stroller probably doesn't lend itself too much to speed work!

Total miles this week a paltry 12.4 but that's by design - it's taper time. I'll do 3, or maybe a bit more, in the morning, then the Rockets Run 5K Sunday. No aches, no pains, no complaints (knock on wood).

Oh yeah, got my marathon confirmation card today in the mail. I'll be #1282 and I'm in the A corral (thank God). When I registered I think I put down that I planned to run a 3:10 but I honestly don't remember.


Blogger PURWARNO said...

Hii.... Keep expanding your blog ...

6:54 PM  

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